“Monsanto’s Ultimate Trophy: GMO Humans”


Introduction of the Supreme Natural Laws

Being a creationist, believing that the Almighty Triune God created all things, and He (They) accomplished that enormous task in six days (Their days), and upon completion of the entire creation process, They surveyed all that was made, and declared it “good”.

Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me add to this creation story another dimension of the creation story that too frequently is dismissed. The creative work process took six days, but a critical part of the process is the seventh day. The “rest, rejoice, recharge” period when the ultimate of God’s creation of human’s in His (Their) image can fellowship with the Creator. This very Holy day the Creator set aside as a critical part of the creative process, “lest we forget”. It’s the Commandment with a promise of reward for being faithful. Just to refresh our memories, let’s review that Commandment as it is found in Exodus 20:8.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day (Saturday) is the Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, not your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

This is not just a powerful commandment or contractual piece of law between God and His people, it is a very unique verse in the Bible where God specifies that this is a hollowed occasion, He sanctifies this anniversary or Sabbath as sacred and holy. He “blesses” it, therefore if we lovingly keep the Sabbath, we too receive His blessings.

Now, going back to the very beginning of the Story, Genesis the creation story is where the God of Creation laid down the impotence of the Sabbath. Some people actually believe the first mention of the Sabbath Law was when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. But the Sabbath law was established at the time of creation. Genesis 2:1-3 reads; “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all his work which He had made. (3) And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made.”

Because God blessed the seventh day from the beginning of time means the He set it aside, or apart as a very special time designated for holy use. This act is a special time for not just resting from our labors, but a time for special fellowship with God. I only mention these things pertaining to the creation and the Sabbath to establish foundational ground  work to firmly acknowledge that there is nothing that God did in the creation process that did not have deliberate purpose on His part, and there is absolutely nothing that was created after those six days of God speaking everything into existence.

King David said something of the effect of “All that is, is, because there is nothing made that wasn’t already made.” Actually his words recorded in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 says: “What has been will be done again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say; “Look! This is something new?” It was already here, long ago: it was here before our time.”

Nothing new under the sun, nothing at all… So taking into account the natural evolution of things, environmental changes, etc., we can safely make the assumption that everything that is was created in those six days and we can say that all that was created was God’s perfect organic state. Therefore, an acceptable definition of God made would be “Nature made” or organic. We can conceive that these would be applicable to descriptive words of something undefiled and non-contaminated, correct?

Now, the opposite of that would be “man made” or synthetic, or non-organic. But, not to confuse “man made” vs. God made or nature made, because in truth man has never in the history of the human race has ever created anything from nothing. So regardless of how many patents a person or a corporation may have on a product, or a process, there is not one component of that patented thing that did not exist in another form separately or in matrix with other component’s prior to extraction and placed or fused into the new “man made” configuration.

In James 2: 10-11 the half bother of Jesus tells us; “For who ever keeps the whole law, but fails on one point of the law, has become accountable for all of it” So, in other words, regardless of how “religious” a person is, regardless of how faithful they are in not telling lies, not murdering, not committing adultery, not coveting the neighbors Bentley car or his wife (or husband), yet has no objections to violating the laws of bearing false witness or gossip about the neighbor, or ignoring the Sabbath law but at least going to church on the first day of the week and calling it the Sabbath, has as much as broken all the commandments.

The difference between the “Sunday worship day teaching”, and the “Sabbath law” is that men created the Sunday worship as a perversion and income motivated action to attract the majority of the population of the time that worshiped the sun god, obviously, on Sunday. The Sabbath law was created, sanctified and made holy by God Himself.

According to James, they may well have broken all the commandments including the New Law that Christ Himself gave us to make obeying the other laws more pleasurable, the LOVE law. If you think that would be a minority of believers, you are way off the mark. Actually, over 99% of the professing Christians do not honor the Sabbath law. And most of that 99% don’t even know what the Sabbath law is, or how sacred and holy God considers it.

The Good is Bad,  and Bad is Good

It’s a fact, we are told that “Chemical’s make the world a better place”, and that “Drugs cure diseases” and “Vaccines prevent diseases.” And the masses of people consume chemical contaminated foods, drink water with mandated by law toxic cancer causing chemical’s, inject our babies and elderly family members with vaccines containing human genes, forcing cannibalism on them. The big business of selling deception is so successful that over 1/4 million men, women and children in the U.S.A. alone die every year merely because they took the prescription drug their doctor told them was good, and necessary for them.

Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto those who call evil good, and good evil. Who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. 21) Woe unto those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight.”

This is a verifiable fact, any five year old could simply google the question; “How many chemicals are used in our foods, beverages, personal hygiene products, cleaning products, nutritional supplements, vitamins, personal consumables, agricultural production, medications, and domestic water purification?”

You will be amazed, over 30,000 chemicals are used in our foods and personal consumables as food additives, artificial flavors, preservatives, binders, colors and aromas today. Of these commonly used 30,000 chemical agents, only approximately 3,500 have had minimal testing conducted on them.

Real champions of this voodoo science, that have manipulated the natural matrix of creation, altering or blending and changing things to appear to be new and “created by science”, when in actuality it is merely a perversion of nature, and like all perversions will have some horrible consequences. Who would conceive that a government of the free world would manipulate nature into biological viral time bombs that have the potential to kill most of the planets population? Yet “bio-Franken-science” mad scientists are doing just that, Ebola and HIV being two patented man made viruses. These claims are not “conspiracy theory” babblings, the public records prove these claims.

But who is watching these people and industries and governments that are altering nature, and life as the Creator intended it? Who is holding these servants of darkness accountable?

Are you an organic being? If so, you are in an extremely low percentile of truly organic humans. Most of us have been contaminated with synthetic drugs, inoculations, contaminated meats, foods and beverages. While babies are still forming in mother wombs, they are being poisoned with toxic foods mom eats, toxic make up mom wears, toxic soaps, shampoos, conditioners and lotions that mom puts in and on her body. And getting a baby in the womb away from toxic radiations from cell phones, cell phone towers, Wy-Fi and all the wireless technologies is nearly impossibility today.

Big lie that mothers and fathers are convinced is true; “Science formulated infant formulas are superior to mother’s milk and will be better for baby and mother” proves to be deadly lies. With mothers all over the world being deceived into believing manufactured infant formulas are healthier and better for new born babies, billions of mothers have abandoned the supreme natural laws, and bottle feeding babies in place of feeding them God’s perfect food from their breasts. Here in the USA, 75% of mothers feed their babies exclusively lab produced toxic infant formulas. Sound studies prove that formula fed babies have far more disease, more issues with obesity, more infectious disease, more learning disabilities, more chronic disease than breast fed babies at a 300% increase!

Adding to this, it is verifiable simply by doing an on line search, that mothers being inoculated and medicated lose the ability to nurse their babies from their breasts. And not only are natural vaginal births a rarity with surgical removal of the baby from the mother’s womb via the abdominal section out numbering natural births, depriving mother and child of the natural benefits of an organic birth, these births involve dangerous drugs. Then, immediately the baby is sanitized, fed sugar water, and injected with vaccines before the little person can be introduced to mother’s natural immunization from her colostrum.

How many babies are born in homes? Although fertility issues are now another huge issue in our society with an estimated 7 million women on medically supervised fertility drugs. For the mother that does successful conceive and carry her baby full term, the mother is deceived into believing she must have the baby in a hospital, and perhaps it would be better for her and baby if she had the baby surgically removed rather than endure the “risks” of a natural vaginal birth.

Then, as soon as the baby is born, before it has had the chance to be soothed by its mothers touch, to hear her heart beat as it discovers the life force fluids from her breasts, the child is “decontaminated” with antibacterial soaps, and immediately inoculated with drugs and fed of all things, sugar water.

How many babies are born organic? Have you ever wondered how the human race survived for so many thousands of years having babies at home, when child birth was still just part of the organic natural laws?

Also contaminated hygiene products such as shampoos, creams and lotions as well as make up having synthetic component’s that alter our own DNA and RNA into something non-natural. Not to mention the unexplained presence of human DNA and RNA harvested from aborted human’s in make-up and personal hygiene products. Do you read your shampoo label? How about the eye shadow and lipstick, do you know what’s in it that shouldn’t be on your eyelids or your lips?

Factor in the contributions from DOW Chemical, they are great at poisoning the planet, and recently got the FDA and USDA to approve domestic agricultural use of the infamous “Agent Orange”. And they along with all the other chemical giants are quick to tell us; “Chemicals make the world a better place”. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people that have suffered the tragic loss of a loved from the ravages of painful death do to cancers and other chronic illness directly related to Agent Orange. Was anyone concerned that this chemical sprayed all over Vietnam is still linked to cancers and deformities in birth of the citizens of Vietnam and the US Military that served there after all these years?

So with DDT, and Round-Up, exposures to all the horrible chemicals used in commercial agriculture, the GMO “Round Up Ready” variety of nuts, fruits, veggies, grains and beans only till the point you reach toxic over load, and can’t eat anything anymore, but that’s OK, they have chemical drips they can feed you via an IV drip or feeding tube. And if you can’t eat your five to seven servings of organic veggies and fruits a day, don’t worry about it, there is some MLM sales rep not far way to sell you something “better than nature made”.

Add to all this modern 21st. century toxic exposures that those in charge say are merely conspiracy theories, such as chem tails, EMF and ELF radiations from cell phones, involuntary cannibalism from being fed aborted baby genes and tissues in our food chain, and not to mention the continued killing of nearly a quarter of a million people per year just in the U.S. of A. from adverse side effects of medically approved and supervised drugs.  Yes, an estimated 250,000 men, women and children die every year in the USA directly related to doctor prescribed and supervised pharmaceutical drugs.

It would appear that with the popularity of Botoxed lips, and even private parts for both men and women being altered with Botox and other chemical’s that we could scratch ourselves off the “organic species”.

Artificial breast enhancements are so common now that before a girl is given a chance to grow her own breasts, she is being entertained by very creative reconstructive surgeons, and gets breast enhancements.

Butt enhancements are apparently the new rage, and rather than proper diet and exercise, it is much easier to simply get the fat sucked out and do a tummy tuck.

Who needs a healthy organic diet, and why bother with the daily exercise that the natural laws dictate as necessary to maintain health?

It’s not necessary any more to obey the natural laws, they have pills, capsules, shakes and potions to provide your nutritional needs. Why bother with preparation of organic meals? And why bother with the unpleasant work of having to walk daily to lose the fat? It’s simply sucked out now, a little liposuction and a tummy tuck and we are good to go for another few months. Or, perhaps for the very undisciplined and lazy persons, a stomach band or stomach reduction will do the job for them. With 157 million people in the USA being clinically obese, there is no shortage of customers to buy into the quick fixes of the varied weight loss industries.

Liposuction is indeed a huge business, but not just for humans. The technologies were so impressive with fat humans that the animal industry cleverly figured out how to capitalize on it. Emu oil has been prized as incredible oil for the cosmetic and skin care and pharmaceuticals industry for a very long time. However, there were these annoying animal rights people that were upset that in order to harvest the oil of these huge birds, they had to die. But now, no longer an issue, they just suck the fat out, put them back on a high fat diet and build more fat so they duplicate the same process.

The same principle has been applied to the nutritional and pharmaceutical industries that see the huge profits to be made in selling people bovine collagen. The cow does not have to die any longer, they just “suck it out” and tell the consumers that “this humane harvesting of collagen means they don’t have to eat all those veggies and fish to build their own bodies healthy collagen.” And sadly, people believe it, so they don’t do the organic whole food protocols, and simply create billions more in profits for big business by popping pills, capsules and shakes.


It is said in Hosea 4:6; “…My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

I have been frequently quoted of saying; “Too many beautiful and inelegant people are hell bent to commit suicide on the installment plan by following the masses through the fast food drive franchises and the revolving doors of the sick care and disease management industries.”

I have mentioned already some horrible statistics, percentages of people that commit the big stupid’s of birthing babies in hospitals, feeding infants the science alternative to God’s fast food for babies from the breasts of the mother, and consequently the 300% increase in disease for that poor child, being a victim of its mother’s blindly following the blind. And from a toxic foundation of lab produced foods when those children are merely beginning their lives, they are destined to become slaves to an artificial food supply and life time imprisonment to the sick care industry.

Here are a few more statistics that reflect how people in the USA become merely sick statistics because they fail to exercise the knowledge and common sense that the Creator gave them.

Currently, as already mentioned over 1/4 million people die annually from prescribed medications administered by well-intended health care professionals. Drugs to treat symptoms of disease, causing horrible side effects, and claiming the people’s lives. And it is pure ignorance and disrespect for God’s perfect laws of nature that these people “trust Big Pharma”.

In the USA, over 133 million people suffer from and are being medicated for more than one chronic disease. That means that over 1/3rd of the USA population of adults suffer from more than one chronic disease, and 1/2 of the population are treated for one chronic disease. Sadly, children from the age of 5 to 17 accounts for an 8% of them being treated for at least one chronic disease.

First, let us realize these numbers are for the population of people in the USA only. When percentages are given, they are from a population of 300 million people.

In the USA, with all the GMO foods and factory farm raised perversions of real food, the percentage of children suffering from malnutrition is a shocking 15.9 million children.

College age young people suffering from malnutrition in the USA is estimated at 59%.

That same age group of malnourished young people in the USA suffering from malnutrition is at 29.2% for being clinically obese.

Fatty liver disease affects 10% of children under 17 years of age.

Fatty liver disease affects 25%, or 75 million of adults in the USA.

Studies show that 29 million Americans are medicated for diabetes.

79 million Americans are pre-diabetic, on their way to join the other 29 million that are already being medicated.

32 million American people are medicated for high blood cholesterol.

78 million Americans are medicated for elevate blood pressure and hypertension.

Over 157 million American people are overweight or clinically obese.

52.5 million American’s are medicated for arthritis.

Over 7 million women are on fertility drugs.

Over 1/3 of the female population in the USA have loss of sexual libido.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 men have no sexual libido.

Over 30 million men in the USA require medication for Erectile Dysfunction.

Over 53 million people in the USA suffer from bladder control issues.

35 million people in the USA under the age of 50 suffer from hearing loss.

Nearly 6 million children are being medicated for ADD or ADHD.

Over 40 million Americans are medicated for chronic depression.

Over 18 million Americans are medicated for sleep disorders.

Another estimated 100 million Americans (1/3 of the population) need energy boosters to have enough energy to stay awake during the day.

We are talking about people here in the USA, not some far away third world country. The USA with the best trauma or emergency medicine in the world has the worst statistics of the entire developed world when it comes to health care and preventive medicine. And it does not look like we can hope for any positive changes with the current politics in control. It’s all about the money, and in disease we learn that we can keep the population distracted and dumbed down as long as they are kept sick, and dependent on “big brother” to fix the problems.

And the biggest distraction of being ill, or dumbed down by drugs and modern unintentional and intentional chemical additives in our foods and beverages, is separation from God. When our focus is driven away from the most important relationship of all, the spiritual truths and the fellowship with our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus, we are certainly on a path of destruction.

The Problem… We are Genetically Modified Beings

You more than likely have heard the old saying; “You are what you eat.” There is much truth to that. There is also much merit in the saying; “You are what you think.” Or, “you are what you assimilate and don’t eliminate”. So taking each of these sayings into consideration, if you are eating Monsanto GMO plants and animals, then your approximately 37.2 trillion cells that make up your body are altered by the voodoo science of cell splicing and modification of natural into “Frankenstein” perversions of nature can only result in unfavorable changes to your DNA and RNA.

And so a man thinketh… the Words recorded in Proverbs 23:7 say “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” We all have heard the power that positive thinking does for our wellness, our happiness and our success. And on the opposite side of that, a person that broods on evil and hateful thoughts generally will be a very unhappy and unhealthy person. More than likely, a person that does not exercise the critical thinking that the Lord demands of His people, but allows others thoughts to dictate his or her belief system will be a victim of chaotic soap opera life style experiences. So the person that does not exercise “critical thinking”, the art of using logic and reasoning based on common sense, will be romanced and wooed into accepting perversions of words as truth.

An example of exercising critical thinking would be to know when a person tells you, when you are in a malnourished weakened condition, that all you need to do is exercise and do yoga and you will be better, you will be capable of using logic and commonsense to respond to that well-meaning person; “I’m sorry, but I believe it is impossible for me to conceive that anyone can exercise their way out of a poor nutritional diet.” So obviously your are smart enough to know that you can’t take your already nutritionally depleted body and exercise it to a state of wellness. So fuel the body up, feed the starving cells, then apply the exercise element to taking you to even a higher level of wellness and physical fitness.

Albert Einstein said: “The problems of the world cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” So although you may be presented with all sorts of “facts” and “studies” to support “science” as being not only “non-harmful but actually good for you”, then you need to exercise some critical thinking based on the natural laws of God, and ask yourself: “Where has this ‘good for you’ science gotten us so far?” Is the human race and the planet any better off than it was 100, or 1000 years ago? Obviously not, the vast majority of these diseases we experience today did not even exist before the 30,000 science made chemicals were introduced to our food chain.

Another application for good old critical thinking, this bazaar and satanic act of science to feed us, and inject into us the DNA, RNA, protein’s and cellular debris of millions of aborted human babies, how can this be a good thing? And yet most people line up for flu shots, they offer their children as living sacrifices for this grotesque experiment with the human race by allowing their children to be given vaccines with these aborted human tissues, and virtually submitting those children to involuntary cannibalism. Honestly, every vaccine from flu shots to MMR and chicken pox has the Crucell PER.c6 formula of aborted human babies in the vaccine. And you thought that just the mercury, formaldehyde and viruses were potentially dangerous enough.

According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) the following are but a sampling of 24 vaccines that are produced from the living cells of aborted human fetuses, or contain human DNA, proteins or related cellular debris from aborted babies: Seasonal influenza and flu vaccines, polio-Polliovax Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed from Quadracel (Sanofi), Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) from GlaxoSmithKline and Merck, Varicella (Chicken Pox and Shingles) and MMR-V from Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, Hepatitis A from Merck, GSK, Sanofi and Epaxal (Crucell) and Rabies-Imovax from Sanofi.

And yet another application for good old fashioned Biblical critical thinking; if you knew that Monsanto was putting these same human genes into most of the commercial foods and beverages we consume, would it change your dietary habits? Yummy, have a Pepsi or Coke product, and get a little “human flavoring”. When I learned that Gatorade, Lipton Tea, Tropicana Juices, Ocean Spray, Nestlé products and most commercial non-organic packaged foods had this secret ingredients of human tissue, I swore off them all for good! I don’t care how diluted they say their special secret ingredients are, the approximately 37.2 trillion cells in my body might know they are being fed human genes from a bank of millions of sacrificed human babies.

Why is Monsanto so adamant to pervert all crops around the world with these modified human proteins? And to combine these with genes from all sorts of animals, insects, and manmade organism’s simply to make the plants more resistant to DOW Chemical’s Round Up Ready toxic soup? Even the cotton and silk cloths and bed sheets we sleep on are GMO with human fetal cells. Can you imagine why Monsanto voodoo science would want to create a hybrid GMO silk Frankenstein worm? And for what intent would go into making tampons from GMO materials with aborted human’s tissue and proteins?

It’s not just plant foods being perverted into Frankenstein foods, it’s the factory farm raised meats, milk, eggs, poultry, fish that are all contaminated with these voodoo perversions. And in addition to the Monsanto contamination, you can expect to eat residue of the pharmaceutical antibiotics and drugs. Just one drug alone should stop all critical thinking people to stop eating non-organic meats and dairy and eggs and fish. It would seem perfectly logical to me that if humans became aware of the potential risks of eating any non-organic foods, or using any non-organic all natural personal hygiene product like toothpaste and mouth wash, they would become very strong advocates of the Prophet Daniel’s diet. And the offerings from the kings table that Daniel refused to eat were very pale compared to what the human population of the world is being exposed to today.

There are many food additives that will never end up being published in the ingredient information panel on the foods you purchase. If the 100% natural and Certified Organic seal is not on your foods, then you have no idea of what hidden toxins you are about to consume. As you can well imagine with factory farm practices you are going to get the bonuses of plenty of antibiotics, hormones, parasites, viral and bacterial strains, as well as pesticide and herbicide residue. One guaranteed herbicide to enhance your non-organic diet that is accumulative in our fat cells is Glyphosate. This potent herbicide contaminates all factory farm raised meat, and the unintended run off into lakes, rivers, streams, wells and the oceans is disastrous.  And even as deadly and cancer causing as this Glyphosate is, the FDA and USDA continue to allow it’s use, and it may have something to do with the powerful lobbing ability of Monsanto and DOW Chemical to buy the favors of our elected officials.

However, there is one deadly drug even more of a concern and found in most all non-organic meat and meat byproducts. Most all factory farm raised meat will contain trace amounts of this horrible drug. That drug is Ractopamine, and you will not find any mention of it on your package of Tyson chicken, or that bucket of KFC original recipe. Although many of the toxic chemicals and “approved food additives” will appear on that carton of ice cream, be assured there will be no mention of Ractopamine. Nor will it be listed on that egg carton or the milk bottle or the sharp cheddar cheese package. Not on the package of bacon or the ham, not on the can of SPAM, not the can of your favorite Campbell’s soup or favorite Mexican chili. But believe me, when you get your McBerger or that Whopper your way, you will be getting your Ractopamine.

What is Ractopamine? It is a pharmaceutical drug, not for human use, but as a meat additive that happens to be banned in almost every developed country, except of course right here in the good old U.S.A… According to the recent report published by the Cornucopia Institute, authored by investigative health reporter Martha Rosenberg; “80% of all American pig, cattle, sheep, chicken, turkey, and duck farming practices use Ractopamine.” But you may still be wanting to know why, and what is this drug?

Ractopamine is a beta agonist drug that increases protein synthesis, thereby making the animal or bird more muscular. Muscle weighs more than fat, more weight means more profits. Simple money motivated intention here, Ractopamine reduces the fat content of the meat, increases muscle density weight and therefore increases profits per animal at slaughter time. Some asthma patients may also find this drug in their prescribed inhalers or puffers.

Now, interesting enough, one of the biggest common complaints of asthma patients using Advair (a bete-agonist drug) is stubborn weight gain. But that is OK, because the drug manufacturer added to the listed known potential side effects on the information panel “weight gain” to the long list of possible side effects including but not limited to; “increased heart rate, heart failure, insomnia, headaches, and tremors.”

The Ractopamine approved for use on farm animals intended for human consumption is clearly marked in big letters that cannot be missed; “NOT FOR USE IN HUMANS”, and another big warning, “INDIVIDUALS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE SHOULD EXERCISE SPECIAL CAUTION TO AVOID EXPOSURE”. We are what we eat? Obviously if the antibiotics fed to chickens still show up even in the hen’s eggs, wouldn’t it be a logical conclusion that this Ractopamine drug will still be in the hamburger, the bacon and the turkey we eat?

This is another interesting twist to this drug infested meat issue; why is it permitted to be used right up to slaughter time? Although it is normal protocol to suspend giving animals drugs a minimum of two weeks before slaughter to give the drugs an opportunity to be minimized via elimination so those that eat the animals don’t get too much of the drug, there is apparently no clearance period for Ractopamine. It is fed to the animals right up to slaughter time, and 20% remains in the meat we are served in our fast food and fine dining meals as well as any non-organic meats we prepare in our home. Perhaps a reason that the animals are not taken off the drug is the potentials for the animal to have horrible withdrawal effects such as convulsions, tremors and sudden cardiac failure?

Another huge mystery, why does the FDA and USDA keep these facts from the public? Obviously with all the conclusive studies there is genuine concerns for human liver damage, kidney damage, thyroid damage, urethral damage, prostate damage and development of tumors anywhere in the body, including bones.

The FDA, the USDA nor any USA meat processing facilities do not test for the presence of this drug in any meats sold for human or animal consumption. Although animal research has positively linked Ractopamine to these and many other conditions:

Reduction in reproductive functions

Birth defects


Increased infections

Increased disability

Cardiovascular disease


Hypertension/high blood pressure


Digestive disorders

Respiratory problems

Excessive stress


In both pigs and cattle FDA reports directly link the use of this drug to all of the above mentioned potential side effects in humans to the animals that are given the drugs. It is reported that the animals given the Ractopamine experience excessive hunger, bloat, lameness, hoof problems with premature death topping the list of potential problems associated with the use of this drug.

In humans that eat these animals that have been given Ractopamine there are constants that occur, for instance the link to cardiovascular issues, hyperactivity and high blood pressure, cancers and behavior changes and mood disorders. There are also studies that implicate eating this Ractopamine contaminated meat with chromosomal abnormalities, changing the X and Y chromosomes that could account for many issues such as sexual identity problems that seem to be on the rise in our society today.

Conclusions, look for the solutions…

I believe I have laid the ground work to establish that there are serious problems here in these modern days of the early 21st century that pose many risks beyond those of any generation of people before us. It would appear that the evil powers of the sake of assaulting God’s most precious creation, has multiple distractions to keep us from seeking the mind and the pleasures of our Heavenly Father.

Like the presidential hopeful, Dr. Ben Carson, MD has repeatedly said; “…when you educate a man, you liberate a man.” And those words were the call to battle that liberated the Philippine people by their national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. But education does not necessarily mean an academic degree education; common sense is not learned from books.

Do you think that possibly the incredible amount of diseases that did not exist 50 or 100 years ago might have some intentional engineering in them? Look at the Ebola virus as an example, have you the knowledge that it, the Ebola virus has a U.S. patent on it registered with the U.S. Patent Office? Is it possible that as a society we have grown to accept whatever “big brother” gives us and accept it as truth and as good for us? Is it a healthy and Biblical thing to “not question perceived authorities?”

What is the root of all disease? Why are good Christian people no different than non-Christians in suffering from the many diseases? Is it possible that Christian people have drifted far from the “Manual of Life”, the Bible, and do not know what the Author of life has given them?

In Exodus 15:26 clearly says from the very God that gives us all that is good, and lovingly gives us promises that only He is capable of providing. “And God said, If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee…”

What is God saying in this verse? In clear English He has made a decree, a promise to His people. And who are His people? “Those that keep His law and His testimony in their hearts”. What is the decree, the binding law that God makes here pertaining to maintaining good health? He clearly says “If you listen carefully to the voice of your God and do what is right in His eyes, if you pay attention to His commands (the Ten Commandments), if you keep all His commandments and His decrees, you will be immune from all the diseases and plagues of the world.”

God promised that if we, His people, obeyed Him that we will be free from the diseases that plagued Egyptians. Little do we realize that the vast majority of those of us that claim to be Christians, do not live any differently than our non-Christian friends and neighbors. Our “works” are not an obvious sign that “we keep His law and His testimony in our hearts.” How many “good Christian people” line up to receive flu shots, or subject our innocent children to these inoculations, administered by “good Christian doctors and nurses”? Are we to believe that science can protect us from these disease and plagues, and that God is not capable of keeping His promises?

Little did the people of the old and the new testament eras realize that the Ten Commandment Laws as well as the moral laws and hygiene laws that God gave us are practical prevention’s against the disease of the world. For example, following God’s law against prostitution and loose sexual immorality would protect them from the many sexually transmitted diseases. Herpes Simplex 2, or HSV-2, for example affects over 50 million people in the United States.

That is more than 1/5th of the population infected with a sexually transmitted virus. According to Dr. Peter Leone, MD recently at the University of North Carolina: “If you look at some population-based data in the United States, and look at unmarried adult women between the ages of 45 to 50, the prevalence rate for genital herpes to HSV-2 is between 50 to 75% having the virus. So we are looking at close to, or the majority of women in the age group who are single having herpes.”

That is only one of the many sexually transmitted viruses that could be avoided if knowledge of, and adherence to God’s laws were obeyed. Count in those statistics the millions that have gonorrhea, chlamydia and HIV and we can get a small glimpse of what it means when God said; “My people perish because of lack of knowledge.”

God’s laws to His people are designed to give His children prosperity and good health. As the loved Apostle John wrote in 3 John 2; “Above all things, I wish you great prosperity, and good health, even as your soul prospers.” God desires that His loved children that obey His commandments would have no harm come to them. We humans are very complex beings, and although we may think we know right from wrong, we all too frequently by our own free choice will make life style choices without consulting the Word of God for guidance. And it is that Book of Life, or as I frequently refer to it as, “the Owner’s Manual from the Manufacturer”, that is the only source for real wisdom. Even the greatest mind in science that ever lived, Nicola Tesla said; “I go to the Word of God daily and seek His wisdom on all my theories and inventions.”

Yes, men and women are complex beings, and being created in the image of the Living God, we have such incredible potentials that we are unaware of. As Dr. Ben Carson has said; “If you want to be relevant to the entire world, program that computer known as your brain with all kinds of information from everywhere in order to prepare yourself.” And to further the quote from Dr. Carson he says; “It is impossible to overload the human brain with information, it can process more than two million bits of information per second and have total recall of everything seen or heard.” But here is the necessary thing to remember, the old saying, “garbage in…garbage out”. We want to program into our minds only things complimentary to our Lord, in other words, things like pornography or hurtful and mean things do not prosper us in our journey to becoming wise and healthy and wealthy, we need to seek the wisdom of the prophets of God and God Himself.

Life is not meant to be complicated, we make life unnecessarily stressful because of all the conflicting bits of information we store that are negative and have no eternal value. For example, how many of you have sat through a TV commercial presented by a pharmaceutical company. You listen to the entire entertaining advertisement, you hear all the horrible potential side effects of the drug, yet all you remember is; “Ask your doctor if Viagra is right for you…”

In seeking solutions to your issues with your health, your mental peace, your personal financial security, I would encourage you to seek the mind of God, and remember that He promises to bless those that follow His commandments. Even as Jesus said; “If you love me, obey my commandments.” And it is not a pick and choose variety show, you have to exercise the love gift enough to obey ALL the laws, and in doing so you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

Are you by your own free will, your choice, a GMO being, or are you an organic human being? If you suffer from chronic or terminal illness do to your intentional life style habits, or unintentional exposure to the many toxins in our society, and desire to get well and stay well, we have hope for you. Our total Biblical wellness program can give you a new lease on life. However, if you return to the same lifestyle that got you into trouble to begin with, then the consequences will be the same.

We would love to hear from you, and welcome your thoughts and opinions on these matters.


Email: healthyhabits007@yahoo.com  and  info@healthyhabitsusa.com



