“Juicing for a Healthier and More Youthful You”

organic juice It is a well-known, and much documented fact, that the vast majority of the population, adults and children, do not eat enough organic fruits, nuts, berries, vegetables and seeds in their daily diet.

There are companies that make billions of dollars per year that simply capitalize on people’s awareness that they don’t get the required servings of veggies and fruits per day. These companies market such things as laboratory manipulated dried veggies, fruits and berries in capsules and convince a gullible society that this is a solution to their busy lifestyles, just pop a few capsules per day and you’ll be bullet proof against the growing epidemic of sick, tired and dumb people.

Obviously their idea is very profitable for them, and their armies of recruiters. However, how effective is their fruits and veggies in capsules? Perhaps a lot better than the “one a day multiple” approach that is made up of lab produced isolate nutrients extracted from non-organic and GMO substances? However, the concept of “fast food” and instant gratification of popping capsules filled with powdered fruits and veggie simply is not how nature intended for us to get our nutrition.

Popping pills and capsules are obviously not the way the Creator intended for us to make healthy cells, although it has proven successful for helping many people make healthy bank accounts. And in defense of the industry, although a short cut and not one without costs, if a person by their own free will choose to not prepare organic meals from scratch, this option is better than getting no nutrients at all.

These pill poppers and capsule poppers are sold on the concept of washing down a few pills per day because it does not require they alter their busy lifestyles. They can continue on with their dietary habits that are of devitalized foods that are high in sugars, fats and artificial this and that. And for people that refuse to alter their unhealthy lifestyle choices, the pill popping is merely a Band-Aid.

It’s obvious this “easy out” protocol is not working, the world is getting fatter, lazier, less productive, and most people don’t even have the energy to have a meaningful and satisfying intimate lifestyle with their mate. But that’s okay; someone makes a pill for that too!

Even today, in this age of information and awareness, as a society we are not winning the war on clinical obesity, and recent studies showed that as a nation the percentage of clinically obese people in increasing.

Obviously, with the billions of dollars being cheerfully banked by these nutritional supplement companies, we are not winning the war on people suffering from lack of sleep, lack of energy, or lack of hope.

Nor is the war being won on diabetes, fatty-liver disease, adrenal fatigue, diseases of the digestive system, heart disease and even cancers.

The fact is, regardless of all the pills, potions, lotions and patches being sold by the nutritional supplement industries, the pharmaceutical industry, and the revolving door sick care and disease management businesses, and stockholders, continues to get fatter bank accounts along with the waist lines of their customers and distributors.

If you fall into the category of millions of people that just can’t muster the energy to get moderate exercise, and if with all the money spent on monthly autoships and consumption of hyped lab produced supplements, still have symptoms of chronic health challenges, then perhaps you are one of the millions that need to simply try organic whole food juicing.

Juicing organic veggies and fruits would seem to be a healthier option than popping the “fact similar too” solution to eating real organic foods. Drinking only four ounces of fresh juiced veggies or fruits four to six times per day is relatively easy, fun, and the rewards are quickly experienced. And believe it or not, most generally a lot less expensive than those autoshipments of pills, capsules, patches and potions and patches consumed in a year’s time.

Enjoying the immediate benefits of four ounces of organic carrot juice, organic tomato juice or any combination of vegetables is your body’s way of saying, “Thank you”. Juicing is enjoyable, easy, and provides immediately the bioavailable organic nutrients your cells are craving. And this real live and fresh nutrient-rich juicing provides your body the live calories to burn the bad calories and the fat, while building healthy cells that can be evidenced in how you look and feel.

I can hear it now, so many of you reading this saying something to the effect of: “Oh, I have been there, done that, earned that T-shirt a few times in the past, and it was far too much work just cleaning that noisy and messy juicer.”

I too have earned many of those T-shirts, I more than likely have owned or at least experienced every juicer brand that has come into the market place.

If you look harder in the market there are now easy to operate, easy to clean and maintain juicer that juices so completely that little waste is lost to the waste bin that ends up as material for soups or baking, chicken feed or compost heap bound. It’s worth it.

Adapting Healthy Lifestyle
Applying other healthy habits to ones’ daily healthy habits would be complimentary and more assurance of reversing unhealthy aging symptoms.

As an example, an organic diet consisting of 80% organic plant based foods, and organic juicing is very complimentary to supply the building blocks and nourishment required to build healthy cells.

Exercise is absolutely a must; we all need to get healthy daily exercise every day of our lives regardless of age or gender.

Although the organic fruits, berries and veggies provide the very best hydration, there is a necessity to supplement our hydration with purified filtered water.

EMF and ELF Radiations
We all need to be very conscious of these harmful electromagnetic energies and minimize our daily exposure to these harmful radiations. We can reduce our absorbing these toxic radiations by becoming conscious of our exposure by time spent on cell phones, watching TV, playing video games, using wireless technologies, and by avoiding all foods prepared in microwave ovens.

Negative energies don’t just come from wireless tech toys and appliances. Some people are toxic; avoid the drama and soap operas of negative people’s lives. Surround yourself with positive people, and practice the act of expressing love via the art of smiling as frequently as possible.

For more info please contact:
 (702) 759-0100  or (702) 753-9973 http://www.drthomasestone.com http://www.healthyhabitsusa.com

“The human body has its own powerful capabilities of healing itself. There is an alternative to conventional medicine in achieving optimum health. God is the Great Physician. God has given us a blueprint on how to take care of the most intricate machinery–the human body”.
“Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition”. 

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